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- Doctor who: Dinosaurs on a spaceship... WTF!
Posted by : Unknown
10 sept 2012
The second episode of the seventh season of the Doctor Who revival (entitled Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Saul Metzstein) does its job as the follow-up of Asylum of the Daleks epic start to the new season. After the mayhem and the revelations, we settle down a bit for some popcorn fun. Give us some decent special effects, good acting, good directing, and some funny lines, and Doctor Who does its job as a fun and decent way to spend an hour of television.
In general, this episode achieved what it set out to do. It wasn’t overly ambitious, but it wasn’t boring, either. There were some good character touches and there were… dinosaurs! On a spaceship!
Here is the trailer: